This Cambodian Life: #4 Cohabiting with the tuk-tuk driver specimen
Posted by VioTuk-tuk drivers are a member of the primate genus Homo Sapiens, distinguished from other sapiens by possessing a rickshaw attached to a 50cm3 motorbike and a great capacity for bargaining speech.
Friendly by nature this species is the Asian equivalent of a taxi driver in Europe only with a lot more chaos involved. Whatever you do, keep your hands and legs inside the tuk-tuk.
The use of common geographical location like street numbers and crossings should be avoided, because they will result only on a smile and a blank stare. You should know the name of the place where you are going and even so, you might not get there. In general, they know where everything is, but seem to not be able to find it at all.
Noteworthy is their pricing system: even before they have a clue of where you are going, they'll say its 'too dollaa'.
If you are going around the corner: 2$
If you are going 3 blocks down: 2$
If you need to exit the village: 2$. - 'Are you sure?' 'Yes lady, 2$;.
One day I'm gonna sit in the tuk-tuk and say: 'Mars please.'
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