This Cambodian life: #7 I'm in love with the coco...
Posted by Vio... and I got it for a low low.
Since I came to Asia I've been obsessed with coconut water. I'll stop my bike on my way to work if I see one of those moving stands. They sell it nearly everywhere, they keep it in ice and it literally costs peanuts. If you're in the tourist area you'll get it for 1$ but if you stay away from the center you can get it for a 1000 riel. That's right, for 25 cents they will chop it open for you right there, slip a straw on it and hand you this low calorie, fresh, rich in potassium drink.
I just can't get enough of it, which is funny, because back in Germany I tried many bottled ones and always found them disgusting.
In the coconut, like in life, the real deal is always better.
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